Chapter Involvement

Our chapter’s goal is to cultivate a favorable and long-lasting relationship between students and professional public relations practitioners. By enhancing member knowledge of public relations and providing access to professional development opportunities, our aim is to develop highly qualified, well-prepared professionals.

Spring 2014 – 


…Our second annual career fair is quickly approaching, February 26, 2014
Sign up here:


…We’re gearing up for agency tours! We will be touring Hager Sharp, a Washington, D.C. based PR firm. We are also touring Ketchum PR and attending the PRSSA Assembly in March! Big things are in store!



Fall 2013 –

In the Fall of 2013, GMU PRSSA partnered up with other student organizations to put on the first Professional Fashion Show; adding flair to the corporate world! We also assisted the Communication Department with its annual symposium. This year featuring NBC’s Chuck Todd & many more communication professionals.

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Spring 2013 – 

What an awesome opportunity! The best way to get PR/Event Planning experience is to host your own event! 2012-2013 Executive Board and our general body members worked tirelessly to put on such an amazing event.

